Monica Bennett - Fibre Artist
Hand felted wearable art in wool and silk
"Mythical Magic" wearable art wrap -
"Mythical Magic" wearable art wrap - Hand felted Merino wools, art yarn and hand dyed silk on iridescent silk chiffon
Monday, November 26, 2018
Working on new mushroom caps for my ongoing Woodland mushroom series. I love all kinds of fungi, especially the beautiful ones that are popping up all over our little island. #mushrooms🍄 #feltedmushroom #feltart #feltartist #felting #wetfelted #needlefelting #feltart #felt#feutre #filt #filtro #keçe #filz #vilt #makingfelt #localart #handmadefelt #handmade #madeincanada #bcmade #bcartist #canadiancraft #canadianmade #canadianfeltart #canadianfeltartist #penderislandbc #MBarchive #monicabennettfelt
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Thursday, November 22, 2018
I ask this question because yesterday, when I told someone that I was an artist, they said, "Oh, you don't look like an artist." I asked this person what they thought an artist looked like..."Well, sort of, well..flaky." By which I think they were meaning in dress and outward appearance. This got me thinking, (as much my head cold would allow)....What does an artist "look like"? Should one's outer dress/apppearance match one's inner creative world? Is it more "authentic"? Does one get taken more seriously if one dresses for the role? Tell me what you think... #artist #artistsofig #artistwear #whatdoesanartistlooklike? #doyoulooklikeanartist? #howdoartistsdressthepart? #amianartistifidontlooklikeone? #innercreative #insideimanartist #outwardlymaybenotsoflaky #beingtakenseriously #itsagoodthing #beinganartistnomatterwhat #doesitmatter? #thinkingwhilesick #MBarchive #penderislandbc
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